Course code & link | Name | Description | Date/Time Offered | Instructor | Subject | Centre/Department/Faculty/School |
ANTC18H3 | Urban Worlds | The planet today is more urbanized than at any other moment in its history. What are the tools we need to examine urbanization in this contemporary moment? This course explores how urbanization has altered everyday life for individuals and communities across the globe. Students will trace urbanization as transformative of environmental conditions, economic activities, social relations, and political life. Students will thus engage with work on urbanization to examine how urban spaces and environments come to be differentiated along the lines of race, class, and gender. Not only does this course demonstrate how such fault lines play themselves out across contexts, but also provides the critical lenses necessary to tackle the most pressing issues related to urbanization today. | Fall 2023, Thursday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Wagas Butt | Anthropology | Department of Anthropology |
CITA01H3 | Foundations of City Studies | A review of the major characteristics and interpretations of cities, urban processes and urban change as a foundation for the Program in City Studies. Ideas from disciplines including Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Planning, Political Science and Sociology, are examined as ways of understanding cities. | Fall 2023, Monday 9:00 -11:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITB01H3 | Canadian Cities and Planning | After reviewing the history of urban and regional planning in Canada, this course considers alternative ideologies, models of public choice, the role of the planner, the instruments of planning, tools for the analysis of planning, and planning in the context of the space economy. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Mah, J. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITB03H3 | Social Planning and Community Development | This course provides an overview of the history, theory, and politics of community development and social planning as an important dimension of contemporary urban development and change. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 13:00 | Susannah Bunce | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITB04H3 | City Politics | This course is the foundations course for the city governance concentration in the City Studies program, and provides an introduction to the study of urban politics with particular emphasis on different theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding urban decision-making, power, and conflict. | Fall 2023, Monday 13:00 – 15:00 | Hyde, Z. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITB08H3 | Economy of Cities | An introduction to economic analysis of cities, topics include: theories of urban economic growth; the economics of land use, urban structure, and zoning; the economics of environments, transportation, and sustainability; public finance, cost-benefit analysis, the provision of municipal goods and services, and the new institutional economics | Fall 2023, Monday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC01H3 | Urban Communities and Neighbourhoods Case Study: East Scarborough | This course engages students in a case study of some of the issues facing urban communities and neighbourhoods today. Students will develop both community-based and academic research skills by conducting research projects in co-operation with local residents and businesses, non-profit organizations, and government actors and agencies. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 13:00- 15:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC02H3 | Placements in Community Development | With a focus on building knowledge and skills in community development, civic engagement, and community action, students will ‘learn by doing’ through weekly community-based placements with community organizations in East Scarborough and participatory discussion and written reflections during class time. The course will explore topics such as community-engaged learning, social justice, equity and inclusion in communities, praxis epistemology, community development theory and practice, and community-based planning and organizing. Students will be expected to dedicate 3-4 hours per week to their placement time in addition to the weekly class time. Community-based placements will be organized and allocated by the course instructor. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 15:00- 17:00 | Bunce, S. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC03H3 | Housing Policy and Planning | This course examines how planning and housing policies help shape the housing affordability landscape in North American cities. The course will introduce students to housing concepts, housing issues, and the role planning has played in (re)producing racialized geographies and housing inequality (e.g., historical and contemporary forms of racial and exclusionary zoning). We will also explore planning’s potential to address housing affordability issues. | Winter 2024, Thursday 13:00 – 15:00 | Mah, J. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC04H3 | Current Municipal and Planning Policy and Practice in Toronto | Constitutional authority, municipal corporations, official plans, zoning bylaws, land subdivision and consents, development control, deed restrictions and common interest developments, Ontario Municipal Board. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 19:00 – 21:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC07H3 | Urban Social Policy | In recent years social policy has been rediscovered as a key component of urban governance. This course examines the last half-century of evolving approaches to social policy and urban inequality, with particular emphasis on the Canadian urban experience. Major issues examined are poverty, social exclusion, labour market changes, housing, immigration and settlement. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Winter 2024, Wednesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC09H3 | Introduction to Planning History: Toronto and Its Region | An introduction to the study of the history of urban planning with particular emphasis on the investigation of the planning ideas, and the plans, that have shaped Toronto and its surrounding region through the twentieth century. The course will consider international developments in planning thought together with their application to Toronto and region. | Fall 2023, Thursday 10.00 – 13.00 | Andre Sorensen | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC12H3 | City Structures and City Choices: Local Government, Management, and Policymaking | This course examines the structure of local government, how local Government is managed, how policy decisions are made. Viewing Canadian cities in comparative perspective, topics include the organization and authority of the mayor, council, civic bureaucracy, and special-purpose bodies, and their roles in the making and implementation of public policies; ethical and conflict-of-interest dilemmas; collective bargaining; and provincial oversight of municipal affairs. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Hyde, Z. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC14H3 | Environmental Planning | This course introduces students to questions of urban ecology and environmental planning, and examines how sustainability and environmental concerns can be integrated into urban planning processes and practices. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC15H3 | Money Matters: How Municipal Finance Shapes the City | This course examines the role of municipal finance in shaping all aspects of urban life. Putting Canada into a comparative perspective, we look at how local governments provide for their citizens within a modern market economy and across different societies and time periods. The course also explores the relationship between municipal finance and various social problems, including movements for racial justice and the ongoing housing crisis. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Hyde, Z. | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC16H3 | Planning and Governing the Metropolis | Most of the world’s population now lives in large urban regions. How such metropolitan areas should be planned and governed has been debated for over a century. Using examples, this course surveys and critically evaluates leading historical and contemporary perspectives on metropolitan planning and governance, and highlights the institutional and political challenges to regional coordination and policy development. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC17H3 | Civic Engagement in Urban Politics | This course examines the engagement of citizen groups, neighbourhood associations, urban social movements, and other non-state actors in urban politics, planning, and governance. The course will discuss the contested and selective insertion of certain groups into city-regional decision-making processes and structures. | Winter 2024, Monday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITC18H3 | Urban Transportation Policy Analysis | Demand forecasting; methodology of policy analysis; impacts on land values, urban form and commuting; congestion; transit management; regulation and deregulation; environmental impacts and safety. | Fall 2023, Monday 15:00 – 17:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITD01H3 | City Issues and Strategies | This course is designed as a culminating City Studies course in which participants are able to showcase the application of their research skills, and share their professional and disciplinary interests in a common case study. Lectures and guests will introduce conceptual frameworks, core questions and conflicts. Students will be expected to actively participate in discussions and debates, and produce shared research resources. Each student will prepare a substantial research paper as a final project. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITD05H3 | City Studies Workshop I: The Art of City Building | City Studies Workshop I provides training in a range of career-oriented research, consulting, and professional skills. Through a series of 4-week modules, students will develop professional practice oriented skills, such as conducting public consultations, participating in design charrettes, making public presentations, writing policy briefing notes, conducting stakeholder interviews, working with community partner organizations, organizing and running public debates, and participant observation of council meetings and policy processes at Toronto City Hall. | Winter 2024, Thursday 15:00 – 18:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITD06H3 | City Studies Workshop II: Engaging the Public in Policy Making | City Studies Workshop II provides training in a range of career-oriented research, consulting, and professional skills. Through a series of 4-week modules, students will develop professional practice oriented skills, such as conducting public consultations, participating in design charrettes, making public presentations, writing policy briefing notes, conducting stakeholder interviews, working with community partner organizations, organizing and running public debates, and participant observation of council meetings and policy processes at Toronto City Hall. | Fall 2023, Thursday 15:00 – 18:00 | TBA | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CITD12H3 | Planning and Building Public Spaces in Toronto | This course is designed to develop career-related skills such as policy-oriented research analysis, report writing, and presentation and networking skills through experiential learning approaches. The policy focus each year will be on a major current Toronto planning policy issue, from ‘Complete Streets’ to improvements to parks and public space infrastructure, to public transit-related investments. Students work closely in the course with planners and policymakers from the City of Toronto, policy advocates, and community organizers. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Andre Sorensen | City Studies | Department of Human Geography |
CTLB03H3 | Introduction to Community Engaged Learning | In this experiential learning course, students apply their discipline-specific academic knowledge as they learn from and engage with communities. Students provide, and gain, unique perspectives and insights as they interact with community partners. Through class discussions, workshops and assignments, students also develop transferable life skills such as interpersonal communication, professionalism and self-reflection that support their learning experiences and help them connect theory and practice. | Fall 2023, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Kamini Nadine Persaud | Teaching and Learning | Centre for Teaching and Learning |
EESA11H3 | Environmental Pollution | This course illustrates the environmental effects of urban expansion, changing methods of agriculture, industrialization, recreation, resource extraction, energy needs and the devastation of war. Drawing on information from a wide spectrum of topics – such as waste disposal, tourism, the arctic, tropical forests and fisheries – it demonstrates what we know about how pollutants are produced, the pathways they take through the global environment and how we can measure them. The course will conclude with an examination of the state of health of Canada’s environments highlighting areas where environmental contamination is the subject of public discussion and concern. No prior knowledge of environmental science is required. | Winter 2024, Thursday 17:00 – 19:00 | TBA | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
EESB22H3 | Environmental Geophysics | This course instructs students on the application of geophysical techniques (including gravity and magnetic surveys, electromagnetics, resistivity and seismology) to important environmental issues, such as monitoring climate change and natural hazards, clean energy assessments, and how to build sustainable cities. This lecture-based course teaches students the societal importance of environmental geophysics as well as how to effectively communicate uncertainty when interpreting data. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | TBA | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
EESD20H3 | Geological Evolution and Environmental History of North America | This course reviews the geological and environmental evolution of the North American continent over the past 4 billion years by exploring the range of plate tectonics involved in continental growth and how those processes continue today. It will explore major changes in terrestrial and marine environments through geologic time and associated organisms and natural resources of economic importance, and will conclude with an examination of recent human anthropogenic influences on our environment especially in regard to urban areas and associated problems of waste management, resource extraction, geological hazards, and the impacts of urbanization on watersheds and water resources. The course will include a weekend field trip to examine the geology and urban environmental problems of The Greater Toronto Area. It provides students in environmental science with a fundamental knowledge of the importance of environmental change on various timescales and the various field methods used to assess such changes. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM | TBA | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
EESC25H3 | Urban Climatology | This course will focus on how urban areas modify the local environment, particularly the climates of cities. The physical basis of urban climatology will be examined considering the energy balance of urban surfaces. The urban heat island phenomenon and its modelling will be studied based on conceptual and applied urban-climate research. The impact of climate change on urban sectors such as urban energy systems, water and wastewater systems, and urban transportation and health systems will be examined through case studies. Students will have the opportunity to choose their own areas of interest to apply the knowledge they learn throughout the course and demonstrate their understanding in tutorial-based discussions. The students will be required to work with community or industry partners on a project to assess the impacts or urban climate change. | Winter 2024, Monday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Tanzina Mohsin | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
EESD13H3 | Environmental Law, Policy and Ethics | This course reviews the laws and policies governing the management of natural resources in Canada. It examines the role of law and how it can it can work most effectively with science, economics and politics to tackle environmental problems such as climate change, conservation, and urban sprawl at domestic and international scales. | Fall 2023, Thursday 19:00 – 21:00 | TBA | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
EESD31H3 | Applied Climatology | This course will introduce and discuss the basic topics and tools of applied climatology, and how its concepts can be used in everyday planning and operations (e.g. in transportation, agriculture, resource management, health and energy). The course involves the study of the application of climatic processes and the reciprocal interaction between climate and human activities. Students will also learn the methods of analyzing and interpreting meteorological and climatological data in a variety of applied contexts. Topics include: Solar Energy; Synoptic Climatology and Meteorology; Climate and Agriculture; Climate and Energy; Climate and Human Comfort; Urban Effects on Climate and Air Pollution. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Tanzina Mohsin | Environmental Science | Department of Physical & Environmental Sciences |
ENGC74H3 | Persuasive Writing and Community-Engaged Learning | This course is an introduction to the theory and practice of rhetoric, the art of persuasive writing and speech. Students will study several concepts at the core of rhetorical studies and sample thought-provoking work currently being done on disability rhetorics, feminist rhetorics, ethnic rhetorics, and visual rhetorics. A guiding principle of this course is that studying rhetoric helps one to develop or refine one’s effectiveness in speaking and writing. Toward those ends and through a 20-hour community-engaged learning opportunity in an organization of their choice, students will reflect on how this community-based writing project shapes or was shaped by their understanding of some key rhetorical concept. Students should leave the course, then, with a “rhetorical toolbox” from which they can draw key theories and concepts as they pursue future work in academic, civic, or professional contexts. | Winter 2024, Friday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Maria Assif | English | Department of English |
ENGD89H3 | Topics in the Victorian Period | Topics vary from year to year and might include Victorian children’s literature; city and country in Victorian literature; science and nature in Victorian writing; aestheticism and decadence; or steampunk. Pre-1900 course | Fall 2023, Thursday 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM | TBA | English | Department of English |
FSTC05H3 | Feeding the City: Food Systems in Historical Perspective | This course puts urban food systems in world historical perspective using case studies from around the world and throughout time. Topics include provisioning, food preparation and sale, and cultures of consumption in courts, restaurants, street vendors, and domestic settings. Students will practice historical and geographical methodologies to map and interpret foodways. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Food Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
FSTC43H3 | Social Geographies of Street Food | This course uses street food to comparatively assess the production of ‘the street’, the legitimation of bodies and substances on the street, and contests over the boundaries of, and appropriate use of public and private space. It also considers questions of labour and the culinary infrastructure of contemporary cities around the world. | Winter 2024, Monday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Ken MacDonald | Food Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
GASB74H3 | Asian Foods and Global Cities | This course explores the social circulation of Asian-identified foods and beverages using research from geographers, anthropologists, sociologists, and historians to understand their changing roles in ethnic entrepreneur-dominated cityscapes of London, Toronto, Singapore, Hong Kong, and New York. Foods under study include biryani, curry, coffee, dumplings, hoppers, roti, and tea. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Jayeeta Sharma | Global Asia Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
GASC51H3 | From Opium to Maximum City: Narrating Political Economy in China and India | This course addresses literary, historical, ethnographic, and filmic representations of the political economy of China and the Indian subcontinent from the early 19th century to the present day. We will look at such topics as the role and imagination of the colonial-era opium trade that bound together India, China and Britain in the 19th century, anticolonial conceptions of the Indian and Chinese economies, representations of national physical health, as well as critiques of mass-consumption and capitalism in the era of the ‘liberalization’ and India and China’s rise as major world economies. Students will acquire a grounding in these subjects from a range of interdisciplinary perspectives. Same as HISC51H3 | Winter 2024, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Anup Grewal | Global Asia Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
GASD54H3 | Aqueous History: Water-Stories for a Future | This upper-level seminar will explore how water has shaped human experience. It will explore water landscapes, the representation of water in legal and political thought, slave narratives, and water management in urban development from the 16th century. Using case studies from South Asia and North America we will understand how affective, political and social relations to water bodies are made and remade over time. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Raman, B. | Global Asia Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
GGRA02H3 | The Geography of Global Processes | Globalization from the perspective of human geography. The course examines how the economic, social, political, and environmental changes that flow from the increasingly global scale of human activities affect spatial patterns and relationships, the character of regions and places, and the quality of life of those who live in them. | Fall 2023, Tueesday 11:00 – 13:00 | Arik, H. | Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRA03H3 | Cities and Environments | An introduction to the characteristics of modern cities and environmental issues, and their interconnections. Linkages between local and global processes are emphasized. Major topics include urban forms and systems, population change, the complexity of environmental issues such as climate change and water scarcity, planning for sustainable cities. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Buckley, M. | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRB02H3 | The Logic of Geographical Thought | Many of today’s key debates – for instance, on globalization, the environment, and cities – draw heavily from geographical thinking and what some have called the “spatial turn” in the social sciences. This course introduces the most important methodological and theoretical aspects of contemporary geographical and spatial thought, and serves as a foundation for other upper level courses in Geography. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Rajyashree Narayanareddy | Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRB05H3 | Urban Geography | This course will develop understanding of the geographic nature of urban systems and the internal spatial patterns and activities in cities. Emphasis is placed on the North American experience with some examples from other regions of the world. The course will explore the major issues and problems facing contemporary urban society and the ways they are analysed. Area of Focus: Urban Geography | Fall 2023, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRB13H3 | Social Geography | The reciprocal relations between spatial structures and social identities. The course examines the role of social divisions such as class, ‘race’/ethnicity, gender and sexuality in shaping the social geographies of cities and regions. Particular emphasis is placed on space as an arena for the construction of social relations and divisions. Area of Focus: Social/Cultural Geography | Fall 2023, Tuesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Goffe, R. | Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC10H3 | Urbanization and Development | Examines global urbanization processes and the associated transformation of governance, social, economic, and environmental structures particularly in the global south. Themes include theories of development, migration, transnational flows, socio-spatial polarization, postcolonial geographies of urbanization. Area of focus: Urban Geography | Fall 2023, Thursday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | TBA | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC12H3 | Transportation Geography | Transportation systems play a fundamental role in shaping social, economic and environmental outcomes in a region. This course explores geographical perspectives on the development and functioning of transportation systems, interactions between transportation and land use, and costs and benefits associated with transportation systems including: mobility, accessibility, congestion, pollution, and livability. | Winter 2024, Thursday 9:00 – 1:00 | Farber, S. | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC13H3 | Urban Political Geography | Geographical approach to the politics of contemporary cities with emphasis on theories and structures of urban political processes and practices. Includes nature of local government, political powers of the property industry, big business and community organizations and how these shape the geography of cities. Area of focus: Urban Geography | Fall 2023,Wednesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Buckley, M. | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC32H3 | Essential Spatial Analysis | This course builds on introductory statistics and GIS courses by introducing students to the core concepts and methods of spatial analysis. With an emphasis on spatial thinking in an urban context, topics such as distance decay, distance metrics, spatial interaction, spatial distributions, and spatial autocorrelation will be used to quantify spatial patterns and identify spatial processes. These tools are the essential building blocks for the quantitative analysis of urban spatial data. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Higgins, C. | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC34H3 | Crowd-sourced Urban Geographies | Significant recent transformations of geographic knowledge are being generated by the ubiquitous use of smartphones and other distributed sensors, while web-based platforms such as Open Street Map and Public Participation GIS (PPGIS) have made crowd-sourcing of geographical data relatively easy. This course will introduce students to these new geographical spaces, approaches to creating them, and the implications for local democracy and issues of privacy they pose. Area of focus: Urban Geography | Fall 2023, Monday 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM | Brauen, G. | Urban Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRC50H3 | Geographies of Education | Explores the social geography of education, especially in cities. Topics include geographical educational inequalities; education, class and race; education, the family, and intergenerational class immobility; the movement of children to attend schools; education and the ‘right to the city.’ | Fall 2023, Monday 11:00 – 13:00 | Hunter, M. | Urban/Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRD09H3 | Feminist Geographies | How do gender relations shape different spaces? We will explore how feminist geographers have approached these questions from a variety of scales – from the home, to the body, to the classroom, to the city, to the nation, drawing on the work of feminist geographers. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Sharlene Mollett | Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRD14H3 | Social Justice and the City | Examines links between politics of difference, social justice and cities. Covers theories of social justice and difference with a particular emphasis placed on understanding how contemporary capitalism exacerbates urban inequalities and how urban struggles such as Occupy Wall Street seek to address discontents of urban dispossession. Examples of urban social struggles will be drawn from global North and South. | Winter 2024, Thursday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Narayanareddy, R. | Urban/Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRD15H3 | Queer Geographies | How do sex and gender norms take and shape place? To examine this question, we will explore selected queer and trans scholarship, with a particular emphasis on queer scholars of colour and queer postcolonial literatures. Course topics include LGBTQ2S lives and movements, cities and sexualities, cross-border migration flows, reproductive justice, and policing and incarceration. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
GGRD49H3 | Land and Land Conflicts in the Americas | The politics of land and territorial struggles are central themes in national and international development policies, and social movements in the Western Hemisphere. Similarly, settler colonialism, as an active spatial formation, is constituted in both the past and present throughout the Americas. The course will take a hemispheric approach to understanding the historical and contemporary geographies of land and natural resource conflicts in the Americas. Students will become familiar with geographic debates and conceptualizations of land and land conflicts, and will participate in field visits aimed to ground theoretical understandings in land practices and movements in Toronto. | Winter 2024, Thursday 13:00 -15:00 | Goffe, R. | Environmental/Social/Cultural Geography | Department of Human Geography |
HISB14H3 | Edible History: History of Global Foodways | An exploration of how eating traditions around the world have been affected by economic and social changes, including imperialism, migration, the rise of a global economy, and urbanization. Topics include: immigrant cuisines, commodity exchanges, and the rise of the restaurant. Lectures will be supplemented by cooking demonstrations. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 12:00 – 14:00 | TBA | History | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
HISC66H3 | Histories of Gender and Sexuality in Muslim Societies: Between Law, Ethics and Culture | This course tracks the evolving histories of gender and sexuality in diverse Muslim societies. We will examine how gendered norms and sexual mores were negotiated through law, ethics, and custom. We will compare and contrast these themes in diverse societies, from the Prophet Muhammad’s community in 7th century Arabia to North American and West African Muslim communities in the 21st century. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | TBA | History | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
HISD16H3 | Socialist Feminism in Global Context | A comparative exploration of socialist feminism, encompassing its diverse histories in different locations, particularly China, Russia, Germany and Canada. Primary documents, including literary texts, magazines, political pamphlets and group manifestos that constitute socialist feminist ideas, practices and imaginaries in different times and places will be central. We will also seek to understand socialist feminism and its legacies in relation to other contemporary stands of feminism. Same as WSTD16H3 Transnational Area | Fall 2023, Friday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Anup Grewal | History | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
HISD50H3 | Southern Africa: Conquest and Resistance, 1652-1900 | A seminar study of the history of the peoples of southern Africa, beginning with the hunter-gatherers but concentrating on farming and industrializing societies. Students will consider pre-colonial civilizations, colonialism and white settlement, violence, slavery, the frontier, and the mineral revolution. Extensive reading and student presentations are required. Africa and Asia Area | Winter 2024, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Stephen Rockel | History | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
HLTC49H3 | Indigenous Health | This course will examine the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples, given historic and contemporary issues. A critical examination of the social determinants of health, including the cultural, socioeconomic and political landscape, as well as the legacy of colonialism, will be emphasized. An overview of methodologies and ethical issues working with Indigenous communities in health research and developing programs and policies will be provided. The focus will be on the Canadian context, but students will be exposed to the issues of Indigenous peoples worldwide. Same as SOCC49H3 | Fall 2023, Thursday 13:00-15:00 | Spence, N. | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
HLTC27H3 | Community Health and Epidemiology | Epidemiology is the study or the pattern and causes of health-related outcomes and the application of findings to improvement of public health. This course will examine the history of epidemiology and its principles and terminology, measures of disease occurrence, study design, and application of concepts to specific research areas. | Fall 2023, Thursday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Ghazal Fazli | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
HLTD23H3 | Indigenous Peoples: Pandemics, Epidemics and Outbreaks | This course will examine pandemics, epidemics, and outbreaks of contagious infectious diseases, specifically viruses (i.e. HIV, Ebola, SARS, hantavirus, smallpox, influenza) among Indigenous Peoples. Students will learn about the social, cultural, and historical impacts of the virus on Indigenous peoples and their communities with regards to transmission, treatment and prevention, public health measures and strategies, as well as ethical issues. | Winter 2024, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Anita Benoit | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
HLTD40H3 | The Politics of Care, Self-Care, and Mutual Aid | Drawing on insights from critical social theory and on the experience of community partners, this course critically explores the ethics, economics, and politics of care and mutual aid. The course begins with a focus on informal care in our everyday lives, including self-care. We then move on to interrogate theories of care and care work in a variety of settings including schools, community health centres, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. The course is interdisciplinary, drawing on insights from scholarship across the humanities, social sciences, medicine, and public health. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Suzanne Sicchia | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
HLTD80H3 | Critical Health Education | This course will investigate school- and community-based health education efforts that approach health as a complex social, biological, and cultural experience; critique and challenge prevailing understandings of health; and offer alternative theoretical, pedagogical, and curricular approaches to health and illness. Issues such as sexuality, gender, nation, race, social class, age, ability, and indigeneity will be central concerns in this study of health pedagogy, curriculum, and promotion. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM | TBA | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
IDSB02H3 | Development and Environment | The environmental consequences of development activities with emphasis on tropical countries. Environmental change in urban, rainforest, semi-arid, wetland, and mountainous systems. The influences of development on the global environment; species extinction, loss of productive land, reduced access to resources, declining water quality and quantity, and climate change. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 13:00 – 15:00 | Marney Elizabeth Isaac | International Development Studies | Department of Global Development Studies |
IDSC19H3 | Community-driven Development: Cooperatives, Social Enterprises and the Black Social Economy | This course introduces students to alternative business institutions (including cooperatives, credit unions, worker-owned firms, mutual aid, and social enterprises) to challenge development. It investigates the history and theories of the solidarity economy as well as its potential contributions to local, regional and international socio-economic development. There will be strong experiential education aspects in the course to debate issues. Students analyze case studies with attention paid to Africa and its diaspora to combat exclusion through cooperative structures. Same as AFSC19H3 | Fall 2023, Wednesday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Global Development Studies | Department of Global Development Studies |
IDSC20H3 | Critical Approaches to Community Engagement in Development | This course focuses on critical approaches to community engagement in international development. The first half of the course traces the history of critical and participatory approaches to community engagement in development. In the second half of the course students are trained in critical and ethical approaches to participatory community-engaged research. Student’s learning will be guided by an iterative pedagogical approach aimed at facilitating dialogue between theory, practice and experience. Students taking this course will learn about the challenges faced by communities in their interactions with a range of development actors, including international development agencies, local NGOs, state actors and universities. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Bettina Von Lieres | Global Development Studies | Department of Global Development Studies |
IDSC20H3 | Power and Community-Based Research in Development | The course introduces students to the history and ethics of community-based research in development. We will focus on critical debates in Action Research (AR), Participatory Action Research (PAR), and Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR). Cases will be used to illustrate the politics of community-based research. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Bettina Von Lieres | Global Development Studies | Department of Global Development Studies |
IDSD08H3 | Community-Centered Media Tactics for Development Advocacy and Social Change | This course explores the intersection of community-centered research, art, media, politics, activism and how they intertwine with grass-root social change strategies. Students will learn about the multiple forms of media tactics, including alternative and tactical media (fusion of art, media, and activism) that are being used by individuals and grass-root organizations to promote public debate and advocate for changes in development-related public policies. Through case studies, hands-on workshops, community-led learning events, and a capstone project in collaboration with community organizations, students will gain practical research, media and advocacy skills in formulating and implementing strategies for mobilizing public support for social change. | Winter 2024, Thursday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM | Leslie Chan | Global Development Studies | Department of Global Development Studies |
JOUB01H3 | Covering Immigration and Transnational Issues | An examination of Canadian coverage of immigration and transnational issues. With the shift in Canada’s demographics, media outlets are struggling to adapt to new realities. We will explore how media frame the public policy debate on immigration, multiculturalism, diaspora communities, and transnational issues which link Canada to the developing world | Fall 2023, Wednesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Sherry Yu | Journalism | Department of Arts, Culture & Media |
MGEC81H3 | Economic Development | An introduction to the processes of growth and development in less developed countries and regions. Topics include economic growth, income distribution and inequality, poverty, health, education, population growth, rural and urban issues, and risk in a low-income environment. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Garth Frazer | Health & Society | Department of Health & Society |
MUZB01H3 | Introduction to Community Music | Music within communities functions in ways that differ widely from formal models. Often the defining activity, it blurs boundaries between amateur, professional, audience and performer, and stresses shared involvement. Drawing upon their own experience, students will examine a variety of community practices and current research on this rapidly evolving area. | Winter 2024, Wednesday 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM | Roger Allan Mantie | Music & Culture | Department of Arts, Culture & Media |
POLB56H3 | Critical Issues in Canadian Politics | The objective of this course is to introduce students to the fundamentals of the Canadian political system and the methods by which it is studied. Students will learn about the importance of Parliament, the role of the courts in Canada’s democracy, federalism, and the basics of the constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and other concepts and institutions basic to the functioning of the Canadian state. Students will also learn about the major political cleavages in Canada such as those arising from French-English relations, multiculturalism, the urban-rural divide, as well as being introduced to settler-Indigenous relations. Students will be expected to think critically about the methods that are used to approach the study of Canada along with their strengths and limitations. | Fall 2023, Tuesday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Robert Stephen Schertzer | Political Sciences | Department of Political Science |
POLB90H3 | Comparative Development in International Perspective | This course examines the historical and current impact of the international order on the development prospects and politics of less developed countries. Topics include colonial conquest, multi-national investment, the debt crisis and globalization. The course focuses on the effects of these international factors on domestic power structures, the urban and rural poor, and the environment. Area of Focus: Comparative Politics | Fall 2023, Thursday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | Paul Kingston | Political Sciences | Department of Political Science |
POLC56H3 | Indigenous Politics and Law | This course explores key historical and contemporary issues in indigenous politics. Focusing on the contemporary political and legal mobilization of Indigenous peoples, it will examine their pursuit of self-government, land claims and resource development, treaty negotiations indigenous rights, and reconciliation. A primary focus will be the role of Canada’s courts, its political institutions, and federal and provincial political leaders in affecting the capacity of indigenous communities to realize their goals. Area of Focus: Canadian Government and Politics | Winter 2024, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | TBA | Canadian Government and Politics | Department of Political Science |
POLD54H3 | Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation Governance and Politics | The campuses of the University of Toronto are situated on the territory of the Michi-Saagiig Nation (one of the nations that are a part of the Nishnaabeg). This course will introduce students to the legal, political, and socio-economic structures of the Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg Nation and discuss its relations with other Indigenous nations and confederacies, and with the Settler societies with whom the Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg have had contact since 1492. In an era of reconciliation, it is imperative for students to learn and understand the Indigenous nation upon whose territory we are meeting and learning. Therefore, course readings will address both Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg and Settler contexts. In addition to literature, there will be guest speakers from the current six (6) Michi-Saagiig Nishnaabeg communities that exist: Alderville, Mississaugas of the Credit, Mississaugi 8, Oshkigamig (Curve Lake), Pamitaashkodeyong (Burns/Hiawatha), and Scugog. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Political Sciences | Department of Political Science |
POLD70H3 | Topics in Political Theory | This seminar explores the ways in which political theory can deepen our understanding of contemporary political issues. Topics may include the following: cities and citizenship; multiculturalism and religious pluralism; the legacies of colonialism; global justice; democratic theory; the nature of power. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM | TBA | Political Sciences | Department of Political Science |
PSYC58H3 | Psychology and Climate Change | This course will introduce students to a variety of topics in psychology as they relate to climate change. Topics covered will include the threats of a changing environment to mental health and wellbeing; the development of coping mechanisms and resilience for individuals and communities affected negatively by climate change; perceptions of risk, and how beliefs and attitudes are developed, maintained, and updated; effective principles for communicating about climate change; how social identity affects experiences and perceptions of climate change; empirically validated methods for promoting pro-environmental behaviour; and how, when required, we can best motivate people to action. Special focus will be placed on the cognitive mechanisms underlying risk perception, beliefs, and attitudes, and the roles they play in shaping behaviour. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | George Scott Cree | Psychology | Department of Psychology |
PSYD10H3 | Community and Applied Social Psychology | This course examines the applications of social psychological theory and research to understand and address social issues that affect communities. In doing so the course bridges knowledge from the areas of social psychology and community psychology. In the process, students will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of how theories and research in social psychology can be used to explain everyday life, community issues, and societal needs and how, reciprocally, real-life issues can serve to guide the direction of social psychological theories and research. | Fall 2023, Monday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM | Kosha Bramesfeld | Social Psychology | Department of Psychology |
SOCB43H3 | Theory II: Big Ideas in Sociology | This course studies a group of writers who in the early 20th century were pivotal in theoretically grounding sociology as a scientific discipline. Central topics include: the types and sources of social authority; the genesis and ethos of capitalism; the moral consequences of the division of labour; the nature of social facts; the origins of collective moral values; the relationship between social theory and social reform; the nature of social problems and the personal experience of being perceived as a social problem; the formal features of association; the social function of conflict; the social and personal consequences of urbanization. | Winter 2024, Thursday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | TBA | Sociology | Department of Sociology |
SOCC27H3 | Sociology of Suburbs and Suburbanization | This course examines the political economy of suburban development, the myth and reality of suburbanism as a way of life, the working class suburb, the increasing diversity of suburban communities, suburbia and social exclusion, and the growth of contemporary suburban forms such as gated communities and lifestyle shopping malls. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 9:00 -11:00 | Hannigan, J. | Sociology | Department of Sociology |
SOCC34H3 | Migrations & Transnationalisms | Examines the relationship between contemporary modes of international migration and the formation of transnational social relations and social formations. Considers the impact of trans-nationalisms on families, communities, nation-states, etc. This course has been designated an Applied Writing Skills Course. | Fall 2023, Monday 13:00 – 15:00 | Landolt, P. | Sociology | Department of Sociology |
SOCD21H3 | Immigrant Scarborough | This course will teach students how to conduct in-depth, community-based research on the social, political, cultural and economic lives of immigrants. Students will learn how to conduct qualitative research including participant observation, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Students will also gain valuable experience linking hands-on research to theoretical debates about migration, transnationalism and multicultural communities. Check the Department of Sociology website for more details. | Winter 2024, Monday 11;00 -13:00 | Elcioglu, E. | Sociology | Department of Sociology |
SOCD51H3 | Capstone Seminar in Culture, Creativity, and Cities | This course provides a hands-on learning experience with data collection, analysis, and dissemination on topics discussed in the Minor in Culture, Creativity, and Cities. It involves substantial group and individual-based learning, and may cover topics as diverse as the role of cultural fairs and festivals in the city of Toronto, the efficacy of arts organizations, current trends in local cultural labour markets, artistic markets inside and outside of the downtown core, food culture, and analysis of governmental datasets on arts participation in the city. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 10:00 -12:00 | Childress, C. | Sociology | Department of Sociology |
VPHC72H3 | Art, the Museum, and the Gallery | Art and the settings in which it is seen in cities today. Some mandatory classes to be held in Toronto museums and galleries, giving direct insight into current exhibition practices and their effects on viewer’s experiences of art; students must be prepared to attend these classes. | Fall 2023, Friday 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Erin Webster | Arts, Culture & Media | Department of Arts, Culture & Media |
VPHC73H3 | Home, Away and In Between: Artists, Art, and Identity | The interplay among visual, performing and literary arts and experience of exile, diaspora, displacement and placemaking: how the nomadic, transitional nature of today’s world influences contemporary artists’ practices. Readings from art history, visual anthropology, cultural studies, ethnic studies and literary criticism. Considerations of memory, autobiography, community and liminality in relation to experiences of local Canadian artists. | Fall 2023, Wednesday 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM | Elizabeth Harney | Arts, Culture & Media | Department of Arts, Culture & Media |
WSTB20H3 | Women, the Environment, and Change | Issues related to women, gender and the environment will be addressed through current, historical and transnational perspectives. Topics include: the impact of climate change on gendered and racialized bodies; planning for safer places; global sustainable development; ecofeminism and activism for change. | Winter 2024, Tuesday 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM | Connie Guberman | Women & Gender Studies | Department of Historical & Cultural Studies |
Scarborough Campus
Date \ May 8, 2023