The plethora of sources of urban data presents new opportunities in what the scale, breadth, and depth of data enables practitioners and researchers to achieve – and yet challenges in achieving useable results remain due to the quality, sparseness, confidentiality, validity, interoperability, and relevance of the data. 

Our Maps & Data Visualization teams look at patterns of urbanization in Canada and globally, and offers access to unique datasets and tools for our researchers. 

Urban Data Research Centre

The School of Cities partners with the Urban Data Research Centre (UDRC), an affiliated initiative whose mission is to enhance the design, planning and operations of cities by expanding the opportunities presented by data, and to address the challenges inherent in data. To achieve this mission, UDRC is undertaking the development of a Canadian Urban Data Repository; standards for the representation of urban data; tools for the management of urban data; tools to support the analysis and interpretation of urban data; and a national Urban Data Network.

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