School of Cities / Event

2025 Summer Workshop on Urban Mixed Methods across the Disciplines

From July 22-24, 2025, the School of Cities will host its third annual workshop on urban mixed methods. The multi-day workshop gathers a diverse group of talented doctoral students to explore innovative research methodologies that engage with the theme of urbanism and cities. Participants take part in discussions, refine their research designs, and build networks across disciplines, while urban faculty present lightning talks on research projects illustrating cutting-edge methods for qualitative and quantitative research design, data collection, analysis, interpretation and visualization.

PhD candidates from all disciplines are invited to apply from across Canada and globally. Travel and accommodation expenses are paid for those who are selected.


Applicants should be PhD candidates who have defended their proposals and be currently engaged in research that would benefit from a mixed methods approach. Dissertation topics must have an urban focus.

Please click the button below to fill out the form and upload your application material. Applications should include:

  1. Your current CV
  2. A 4-page document that contains: a 1-page cover letter describing your current stage of dissertation research and a 3-page summary of your research proposal that highlights how mixed methods is important to your research
  3. Your full, defended dissertation proposal

Applications close March 24, 2025.

Workshop Faculty

Please email us at with any questions.