Visiting experts at the School of Cities are globally influential practitioners in civil society, the arts, business, media and government; members of the global urban academic community; and emerging leaders in their urban-related sectors.  

Visiting experts engage in intellectual, cultural and artistic exchange; nurture experimentation and new ideas; and support research, collaboration and knowledge creation across geographies, disciplines and communities.  

Through their affiliation with the School of Cities, visiting experts receive a variety of support and contribute to a wide variety of educational and research initiatives. 

Canadian Urban Leaders are prominent Canadian global influencers who have served in official capacity in government or the public service (municipal, provincial, national and inter-governmental organizations) and managed a portfolio with significant urban focus. 

Early Career Canadian Urban Leaders demonstrate leadership potential and capacity and are in the first 10 years of their current career path. 

Urbanists-in-Residence are prominent global influencers practicing in civil society, the arts, business, media or the public service. They are committed to community engagement and have a clear project focus aligned with the School of Cities. 

Visiting Professors are faculty who hold continuing appointments at other universities or research institutes, who join the School of Cities for up to a year to engage in urban-focused research and/or teaching and who have a commitment to community engagement. 

Applications for our 2026 VISITING EXPERT program WILL OPEN IN FALL 2025