By Jackelyn Hwang, Iris Zhanga, Jae Sik Jeon, Karen Chapple, Julia Greenberg, and Bina P. Shrimali
Presented at the Population Association of America 2022 Annual Meeting
April 2022
Municipalities often advance tenant protection policies to help low-income households avoid displacement spurred on by gentrification and a growing affordable housing crisis. However, there is limited discussion on how these policies affect residential mobility and neighbourhood attainment by-SES.
This study advances this area of research by drawing on unique datasets and exploiting variation in the timing of the enactment of tenant protections across municipalities in the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area. Using ZTRAX data from Zillow, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Consumer Credit Panel/Equifax data and Infogroup Residential Historical
Data, the authors examine the effects of rent stabilization and Just Cause for Evictions protections by comparing outmigration from a neighbourhood and inmigration into different neighborhoods between SES groups and analyze the destinations of movers to better understand the full picture of residential instability.
The study’s results inform theories and contribute evidence on neighbourhood change and residential sorting.