Early Career Canadian Urban Leaders join the School of Cities during the first 10 years of their career in an area or field that addresses a key urban issue such as civic and community engagement, housing, climate change, social justice, migration, inequality and democracy.

The 2025 program supports an Artist-in-Residence, offering a year-long residency and the opportunity to collaborate, research and create art that engages with the work we do at School of Cities. The residency will culminate in a final public exhibition highlighting the research/artwork created during the residency. Artists from a broad range of art practices are invited to apply.  

The 2025 ECCUL Artist-in-Residence will have the opportunity to participate in the School of Cities community in the following ways:  

  • Propose and lead programs, events and activities 
  • Contribute to the publications and knowledge products of the School of Cities  
  • Work, meet and host on the University of Toronto campus
  • Attend events, roundtables, seminars, and symposia organized by the School of Cities 
  • Receive mentorship from Canadian Urban Leaders and Urbanists-in-Residence 
  • Receive a stipend of $50,000 CAD, to be in-residence at the School of Cities  
  • Engage with students, staff, and faculty to support research, capacity-building, outreach, event coordination and communications


Current Early Career Canadian Urban Leader

Sam Carter-Shamai

Sam Carter-Shamai is an urban planner and community advocate dedicated to equitable city-building. With a Master of Planning from Toronto Metropolitan University and a planning specialization from Concordia University, Sam brings almost a decade of diverse professional experience. From serving as Special Assistant to Councillor Cressy to contributing to projects at Svn Architects + Planners, Sam has championed economic development, community engagement, and public space improvements…

Chiyi Tam

In March 2023, Chiyi Tam, Executive Director, Kensington Market Community Land Trust, joined the School of Cities as our 2023-24 Early Career Canadian Urban Leader.  

Cheryll Case

In January 2022, CP Planning Founder and Affordable Housing Advocate, Cheryll Case joined the School of Cities as an Early Career Canadian Urban Leader